Expectations for Course


Hello, my name is Bruce Linzer, President of the Lawrence D. Miles Value Foundation. Today, we welcome you to the Function Models Guide presentation by the Miles Value Institute.

This training session is focused on advanced function analysis system techniques and function logic models for quality and improvement practitioners in the value methodology. Below are some key points covered during the welcome:

  • The Function Analysis Guide was authored by the Miles Value Foundation in 2016 for SAVE International, to teach function analysis and function analysis system techniques, also known as FAST, basics for certification.
  • Charles Bytheway introduced FAST in 1964, and an early version of function trees, with contemporary innovations presented by Lucie Parrott.
  • Jerry Kaufman made early enhancements in classical and technical FAST, while Tom Snodgrass and Tom Cook innovated Customer FAST in the early 1990s.
  • Hybrid FAST and Organizational FAST techniques emerged around the turn of the century as 21st-century tools for processes, projects, and organizations.
  • Function visualization, introduced by Dr. Muthiah Kasi, is outlined in the Function Models Guide, aiding teams in determining functions and visualization techniques.

These advancements and methods, which were not in the SAVE International Function Analysis Guide, are integrated into this comprehensive function models guide. The presentation includes an introduction to different function models, cost and function cost worth models by Steve Garrett and Don Parker, and advanced Hybrid and Organizational FAST diagramming techniques.

Dr. Steven Kirk will now provide a detailed overview of the function models guide.

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